CEW 2023
Student Competitions
Meme Competition
What better way to deal with the crippling pressures of school than with humour? A CEW Meme Competition tradition, students and non-students who have registered for CEW 2023 compete by designing their own ecotoxicology memes to communicate the funny side of science! There are cash prizes for the best meme.
Memes must be original content – no copying already existing memes (you can, however, use an existing photo)! Memes should relate to some aspect of ecotoxicology. Email your memes to us at humeniub@myumanitoba.ca until September 25th, 2023 and we will post them on Twitter and Facebook. The CEW community can vote for their favourite meme using “likes” on CEW social media accounts, as well as an in-person ballot box located near a poster board with the printed memes on it. Voting will be open until the end of the CEW conference (October 5th, 2023) and winners will be announced at CEW 2023 and via social media.
2023 Memes
Select a meme to zoom in.
TikTOX Competition
This year’s CEW invites all BSc, MSc, and PhD student attendees to compete in our TikTOX competition. This is a unique challenge for students to be clear and concise in their science communication! The topic can be the same as the content in a platform or poster presentation, or about your thesis topic in general. All TikTOX videos will be pre-recorded, judged by non-students, and played live for all attendees during the Tuesday lunch.
All students are encouraged to apply for the competition by selecting “Yes” to participate and including a tentative title when completing their CEW registration form.
3-minute presentation maximum
Animations and footage of field and lab work allowed
All TikTOX presentations will will need to be uploaded ahead of time but will be played live at CEW 2023
Judging will take place after the videos are played live at the meeting using a standardized rubric (linked below)
Science communication through Twitter is becoming increasingly popular, and we’re challenging students of CEW to join in and spread the word about their research by explaining their thesis in three tweets. Register in advance to participate in the Tweet Your Thesis Competition by emailing your interest to participate to humeniub@myumanitoba.ca before September 25th, 2023. We’ll assign you a day to post your three tweets. Be sure to use the hashtag #CEWTweetYourThesis and we’ll retweet them. We’ll also feature all of the tweets on the CEW website.
Students are allowed a maximum of THREE tweets (tweets have a 280-character limit where you reply to yourself to make a thread) to explain your thesis in lay terms. You may use ONE picture to accompany each tweet for a total of three tweets + three photos maximum. Include “#CEWTweetYourThesis” in the tweet so that we can find it and retweet. Remember to avoid jargon and highly technical language – the challenge is to provide a concise explanation of your thesis that is understandable to a general audience!
2023 Submissions: